ID#: 653/1000
Name: Draven Dagobert
Nationality: Galatian
Type: Patrician
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Rare
Class: Civilian
Attack: N/A
Defense: N/A
Speed: N/A
Tagline: “Bow to the hand that holds the chains.”
Date of Birth: 2488 AD
Place of Birth: Ancyra
Born 2488 AD in Ancyra, Draven comes from a long line of notorious highfalutin slave traders. He uses advanced telescopic lenses to scout his victims interdimensionally, then dispatches time traffickers through a portal to kidnap them as slaves for his base entertainment empire of lewd karaoke clubs, casinos, and virtual brothels in 26th century AD Neo-Byzantium. Charismatic yet ruthless, Draven’s influence extends back to ancient Galatia, long a haven for the effete elite, including covert colonialist cyborgs.
To be Continued...
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