ID#: 638/1000
Name: Rada Radovna
Nationality: Moesian
Type: Plebeian
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Common
Class: Civilian
Attack: N/A
Defense: N/A
Speed: N/A
Tagline: “Nothing is ever really lost; just misplaced in time.”
Date of Birth: 2182 AD
Place of Birth: Naissus
Born 2182 AD in Naissus, Rada runs an antique photo booth shop in Neo-Carthage’s souk. Armed with a vintage Hasselblad and a closet of outfits spanning millennia, she offers customers a chance to step into another era. But rumors swirl that her collection isn’t just for show—some say she holds a device for interdimensional travel, turning her shop into a refuge for outlaws, exiles, and time-stranded wanderers. Rada remains as inscrutable as her wares, guarding her secrets behind a wry smile and a haze of smoke.
To be Continued...
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