ID#: 308/1000
Name: Elysia Varathane
Race: Palmyrene
Type: Patrician
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Common
Class: Civilian
Attack: N/A
Defense: N/A
Speed: N/A
Tagline: “If history is written by the victors, consider me the editor..”
Date of Birth: 260 AD
Place of Birth: Palmyra
Born in 260 AD in Palmyra, Elysia is the daughter of a wealthy priest of Sol Invictus and was advisor to Queen Zenobia. She rose to become a preeminent chronocartographer, a specialized navigator who maps the pathways between dimensions. Upon Aurelian’s invasion, Elysia charmed the emperor, offering her temporal services to immortalize him through time. But hubris brought his end, as a time assassin intervened to stop Aurelian’s power grab.
To be Continued...
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