#615 – Aker Techen-Ra

aker techen-ra egyptian peregrinus
Born 2175 AD in Alexandria, Aker is a clerical assistant at the Library of Alexandria Innovation Hub where researchers have developed the "Giza Glasses", a groundbreaking AR technology that enables wearers to temporarily inhabit bodies across dimensions. Night after night, Aker sneaks into the library's vault to use the glasses, immersing himself in the lives of ancient pharaohs to experience firsthand the splendor and challenges of divine rule.

ID#: 615/1000
Name: Aker Techen-Ra
Nationality: Egyptian
Type: Peregrinus
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Common
Class: Civilian
Attack: N/A
Defense: N/A
Speed: N/A
Tagline: “To see the world in a grain of silicon.”


Date of Birth: 2175 AD
Place of Birth: Alexandria

Born 2175 AD in Alexandria, Aker is a clerical assistant at the Library of Alexandria Innovation Hub where researchers have developed the “Giza Glasses”, a groundbreaking AR technology that enables wearers to temporarily inhabit bodies across dimensions. Night after night, Aker sneaks into the library’s vault to use the glasses, immersing himself in the lives of ancient pharaohs to experience firsthand the splendor and challenges of divine rule.

To be Continued...


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About RomanPunks

“It’s AD 410, the Goths are sacking the city of Rome. A rift in the fabric of space-time occurs at the Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. Suddenly multiple dimensions collide and coalesce. Time travelers and spacefarers exist alongside terrestrials who had previously lived thousands of years apart. The world is now a fractured patchwork of time and space with Rome at the center of it all. The world is now RomanPunk.”

RomanPunks is a retro-futuristic cyberpunk derivative world-building project, hand-drawn by our brilliant artist and co-founder Cleopunktra and minted as NFTs on the blockchain. We find inspiration from pop culture + science fiction + ancient history + art + technology. Imagine epic gladiator battles followed by an afterparty with the likes of Vivien Leigh, William Gibson, Julius Caesar, Frida Kahlo and Shigeru Miyamoto. Your RomanPunk NFTs unlock a whole-new world of gaming, community and collectibles. There are only 1,000 RomanPunk ‘avatar’ NFTs created on the Ethereum blockchain, with many more tradable NFTs on carbon neutral blockchains including WAX, Polygon & Algorand.

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