ID#: 617/1000
Name: Rathien O’Raz
Nationality: Carthaginian
Type: Freedman
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Common
Class: Civilian
Attack: N/A
Defense: N/A
Speed: N/A
Tagline: “Rage against their machinery.”
Date of Birth: 2145 AD
Place of Birth: Mars
Born in 2145 AD on the red planet Mars, Rathien is a hot-tempered, relentless enforcer for cloned Hannibal Barca’s rebellion in Neo-Carthage. Freed from hard space labour, he hides from facial recognition drones while executing sabotage and assassinations against the corrupt governor Mordax Mazar and his cronies. Known for his mercenary tactics and short temper, Rathien’s methods frequently cause problems, but his loyalty and determination make him an indispensable, albeit troublesome, asset to the cause.
To be Continued...
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