ID#: 619/1000
Name: Zeno Zigeric
Nationality: Vandal
Type: Slave
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Common
Class: Civilian
Attack: N/A
Defense: N/A
Speed: N/A
Tagline: “Keep calm and carry bongs.”
Date of Birth: 507 AD
Place of Birth: Carthage
Born in 507 AD in the shadow of Carthage, Zeno is celebrated not for valour in battle but for his deft avoidance of it. A slacker and draft dodger, he shirked military duties, only to be caught in the Byzantine tide that brutally sacked his city. Seized by Belisarius’s legions, he was dispatched to the endless hemp fields of North Africa, a punishment he secretly relishes.
To be Continued...
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