ID#: 635/1000
Name: Xylo Pyro
Nationality: Baetican
Type: Freedman
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Epic
Class: Civilian
Attack: N/A
Defense: N/A
Speed: N/A
Tagline: “The only law that matters is play or be played.”
Date of Birth: 2185 AD
Place of Birth: Corduba
Born 2185 AD in Corduba, Xylo is an interdimensional RTS gaming prodigy and former techno-slave who hacked his way to freedom. Cocky and self-absorbed, Xylo lived only for the thrill of the game until a rebellion led by a cloned Hannibal Barca tried to recruit him in the fight against the cyborg Emperor Caligula. Not wanting to jeopardize his lucrative career, he refused, until a scandal contrived by a corrupt governor shattered his reputation. Now, with nothing left to lose, Xylo reluctantly joins the fight, piloting a Xena-class mech in the battle for Neo-Carthage. Xylo plays by his own rules, driven less by loyalty than by the thrill of proving that the system is his to control—and burn.
To be Continued...
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