ID#: 755/1000
Name: Damianus Sanga
Race: Roman
Type: Centurion
Avatar Rarity: Common
WAX Rarity: Common
Class: Fighter
Attack: 8
Defense: 9
Speed: 8
Tagline: “Flank ’em then spank ’em!”
Date of Birth: 105 AD
Place of Birth: Rome
The nights were very short in Caledonia and Damianus Sanga very much wanted to sleep. Far beyond Hadrian’s wall, Damianus was second in command of the ragtag bunch of 300 troops known as the 8th cohort of the 9th legion. They were mostly pressed into service, rejects from society, former gladiators, freedman and criminals who were sent to the outer reaches of the Empire to take care of problems nobody else wanted to touch. They were searching for something, but none of them knew what – only their commander did. And he was fast asleep. As the only man to be completely trusted, Damianus was always standing guard while his commander slept.
This hadn’t been an easy campaign, either. Starting out as over 500, the 8th cohort had already lost nearly half its numbers to the fierce Celtic tribes frequenting the lands north of the Wall. Yet uneasily, but without hesitation, day after day the troops continued their march north into the unknown. It wasn’t until reaching a strange circle a stones, similar to the one known as Stonehenge in the province of Britannia that Damianus and his allies felt a strange feeling of calm overcome them. The commander called for the cohort to halt, and Damianus and his fellow soldiers
In the center of the stone circle sat a large stone altar engraved with twisted Celtic symbols and pictograms. Without thinking, Damianus swung his war hammer down on the flat surface of the stone. The hammer vibrated furiously and the stone strangely began to move down, rumbling and causing the ground to shake until it disappeared below the grassy surface and seemed to drop suddenly into a void. Peering below into the black abyss, Damianus saw what appeared to be a spiraling blue light shooting closer towards him. As the light reached his eyes, a great feeling of shock overtook him and he blacked out immediately.
When he awoke, Damianus found himself staked to the ground with heavy steel wires, he could only turn his head to see hundreds of his comrades also in the same predicament. Looking up, Damianus could see a woman approaching with flaming red hair, a tight black leather suit and strange multicoloured lenses on her eyes. She was holding a strange, glowing weapon, the likes of which he had never seen before. She made a chewing motion with her mouth, looked over at Damianus, smirked and said: “Welcome to the distant future, you primitive screwhead!”
To be Continued…
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